We have spaces available in our current Reception, Y4, Y5 and Y6 cohorts. Get in touch to make an enquiry! 'Everyone in this tightly knit school community works together in harmony' Ofsted Nov 2021.

Outdoor Learning

We aim as much as possible to use outdoors as another classroom. Our site provides us with wonderful spaces for learning, with the children regularly doing maths, English and foundation curriculum activities in our Magic Wood, playground and Secret Garden. We also make use of the village and local church for walks, art and writing. Each class has offsite forest school sessions to explore and problem solve in natural surroundings. 
Outdoor learning provides the children with opportunities to work, explore and create together as well as: 
  • Development of physical skills
  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Increased levels of creativity and imagination
  • Increased language & communication skills
  • Increased motivation and concentration
  • Improved connections with the natural world
Outdoor Learning Activities for at Home